Q & A: Why Don't You Have More Videos On Your Website?

March 9, 2021

LAUREN:  Many of you have asked why we don’t have videos of everything we provide on our website.  We prefer a customized approach and understand what a dating task this can be when planning your event. So, almost every agency site you have visited showcases all our their team so you can browse what is out there, which means you could be sifting through hundreds and hundreds of videos with no idea whether that team will fit exactly what you want or not. 

REBECCA: So instead, we prefer is for us to all hop on a phone call to figure out what you actually need. I think starting with that is what a lot of people skip. They skip over the overall vision for the day, what do you actually want for your event, what styles of music do you have - do these bands or teams offer, as well as budgets. I think budgets are super, super important that we all skip over when we are just looking through a bunch of videos. So, what we want to do is find a team that fits you specifically. That could either be us creating a custom ensemble with handpicked musicians from our team or that we know, that can create the right group for you. Or we can use a band that is already created - one of our bands or a partner bands - that we know are going to fit the music, the style, the vibe, the energy and everything about what you need for your event. Additionally, as musicians we are really particular when it comes to looking at those videos, how we approach what’s out there - we can even vets teams that maybe you have found and help decide if they are actually a good fit for your event, if they are going to be what you really need. 

LAUREN: We hope that you’ve found this helpful and we look forward to hearing from you! 


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